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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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fastsigns. make your statement™. kayak. no way. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? kayak. i like to do things myself. i do my own searching. it isn't efficient. use kayak. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. aaaaaaaahhhh! kayak. search one and done.
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>> kayleigh: a big moment in the biden impeach mment. he is not under oath, but lying to congress is a crime. know ares are looking to press gentlemens about his older's brother alleged involvement in business affairs and hunter biden will be in the same interview chair, that will be interesting. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany, here with my co-host emily compagno and harris faulkner. also joining us is tammy bruce and fox news contributor and david webb show, david webb. house republicans ush approximate forward with impeachment inquiry, biden campaign is trying to calm growing concern around our 81-year-old president's fitness
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to lead. just yesterday cameras captured president biden stumbling on the short staircut on air force one and this happened just after he swapped his comfy shoes for dress shoes. the secret service is putting agents at bottom of the stairwell, just in case. seems like bid biden campaign. what about if he drops out? the president is dismissing those concerns. >> mr. president, good afternoon, sir. you are going to california, is this about coming up with a plan b for 2024, does gavin need to stand by? >> are you ready? >> yes, sir. >> i'm looking at you. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
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>> kayleigh: tammy, i think the dismissive confident approach probably the correct one as you answer questions, you can't dismiss american people. monmouth, 48% say it is likely biden is not the nominee and 50% say not at all likely he will be replaced. >> tammy: it is about biden and about democrats in general. now republicans have work. american people realize this, even with his short comeings, if things were going well, it would telegraph that the team is doing well and the government is working smoothly. it is not a one-person show in washington, leadership matters. there is recognition, they try to make it just about age or frailty, he can be frail and everything can be moving smoothly, but it is not and
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democrats don't want to have a conversation about policy, about the economy, about the border, about schools, all the cultural issues about the meltdown in the international scene. the wars that seem to continue to build. that is what is on people's minds and i think they think they can escape that conversation by having him not trip. that is correct. >> kayleigh: it is incorrect. there is a saying with friends like these, who needs enemies. i will change to with surrogates like these, biden campaign co-chair. listen how enthusiastic he is pumping up his candidate. >> the country is in a very difficult time right now. as you guys have said from a moment ago, the world is in a very difficult crisis and we have a moment at this time to make a right decision about what the future of the country and world is about. to expect everybody to be happy and excited is unreasonable.
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>> kayleigh: if you detach the name and just put words, it sounds like a trump surrogate. >> harris: seriously, that is imagining expectations and setting the bar so low, you could have a baby crawl over it. really low. i was fascinated by this. biden instructing aides to ramp up highlighting the blank stuff, all is expletives, coming out of trump's mouth and the network senior white house correspondent was witnessing some things behind the scenes. one part said it all. they want to focus on trump and not anything tammy bruce just talked about and certainly not on the president. one advisor put it, they have been surprised by how many people seem to be putting on rose-colored glasses when looking back at the trump years, reality they must alter by reminding voters what tluchl
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stands for. that is going to be a thing for trump, that will help him out. they will talk about him more and more and more at a time when he soaks up unearned media appearances. they are going to actually focus more on him and not deal with what the polling is showing and people are worried about the president. >> kayleigh: there are two camps, they know they have a problem and there is one camp who says let's focus on trump. hazard with that strategy is trump had a great townhaul, he was on message and contrast that with blood reg maga biden speech and there is a contrast. >> the simplicity of trump's presentation is aug.mented by the fact he's saying the truth, my revenge will be my success. i listen to you.
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an attack on me and an attack on you. those are simple truths. continued word salad we are subjected to by the person in the white house and vice president are because they are covering up failure of policies. it illustrates it is not automatically kamala harris or his vice president. if there is a plan b to the president, it should be the vice president. i note comment by surrogate that said, the softening support of people of color means role of kamala harris cannot be overstated and the point is insinuating by virtue of her skin color, that will attract voters of the same or similar skin color. why don't they change policy or underscore policy that helped all americans regardless of skin color, because there are none. they are trying to hide failure
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by playing shell game, playing word game, who is next and don't worry about it. end of the day, we are worried because 20% of other than ms are happy with the state of the nation and approve of kamala and less than 40% approve of the president. >> kayleigh: plan number one, focus on trump. plan two is focus on biden, who is unpopular, to your point, emily. "new york times," this stood out to me, i was talking to james carville, chief strategist behind bill clinton's campaign, he says campaign has assets, most desirable is biden campaign and biden campaign does not deploy biden like he is desirable. >> david: i could take a little from each of you and put this together into the republican strategy and there is more to it.
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tammy, to your point, as long as the argument is or cognitive ability and is he too old for the job, that benefits the democrats. the falsity in playing you ain't black enough, remember joe biden in that, soften support for kamala harris. if you are a black man or woman, harris, you are expected to vote for the black in the room. give you example how they are pushing this. biden's video with the black father and two children carefully crafted, fried chicken and things at the table. hhs puts out a video by levine, the four-star admiral who is a trans woman, a trans gender person. 11 or 12 senior black officials at hhs ranked above levine who should have been used in this video and to them, black history
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month, my histories 24/7, black histories american history. in that, they insult the other blacks in the department, phd, men and women who are black to put out, i won't say, i will be nice on tv. >> harris: it checks more boxes. that is what democrats like. say what it is. >> david: black people sitting in a neighborhood going, just because you said -- >> harris: they are trying to figure out how to play inflation and groceries under this president and the color is green, not brown or black. who does kamala harris really represent? i thought she represented the american people, in which case they would be american policies. i don't care what boxes she checked. check the box of well done job.
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when can she? >> david: nowhere. >> kayleigh: they are not interesting in box checking, they want to bring down interest rates and secure border. to this. meanwhile, former president trump just revealed who he is considering for his running mate. who made the short list, next.
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>> kayleigh: former president trump is not backing down from a $350 million civil fraud verdict against him. leticia james says she is ready to seize his buildings if he
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can't pay. lydia whoo is in new york city with details. lydia. >> hi, emily, new york attorney general leticia james promised massive building could be the target of seizures behind the office. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgement, we will seek mechanisms in court and ask the judge to seize his assets. >> trump's legal team says they will appeal and to prevent the attorney general from seizing property, they have 30 days to pay cash for the 355 million fine into an escrow account or post an appeal bond.
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the former president spoke with laura ingraham and said he would not be able to tell us if he would have to sell a b building to pay for it. >> i have a lot of cash, that does not mean he can take it. he looked at my cash and said, we'll take all his cash. >> i had the chance to speak to bond companies today, they would likely ask him to pay the full amount of judgement or close to it, it seems like he is on the hook for coming up with more than $450 million in short term. >> emily: it tops $460 million when you include interest. former president trump gave preview of his administration revealing his short list for vice president during last night's fox news town hall.
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>> first quality is someone who would be a good president, if something were to happen, you have to have somebody that would be great. a lot of people are talking about that gentleman right over there. he's been so great, such a great advocate. this is in a positive way, tim scott has been better for me than for himself. >> laura: someone who can step into the role. >> you have to view that. >> laura: oaudience was asked wo would be a good choice, several names came up. vivek ramaswamy, ron desantis, who is making an appearance today in south carolina, obviously tim scott, byron donalds and big presence here for tulsi gabbard, very interesting and kristi noem, as well, i should say. are they on your short list? >> they are.
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>> when can we expect you will announce your choice. >> they are all good and solid, i want people with common sense, so many things are happening thatten do make sense. who wants open border and open borders? >> emily: democrats are obsessed with strategy and checking boxes, he wants someone with common sense. >> david: we need somebody ready to step in. vice president has always been that backstop to a tragedy and we've seen that throughout our history, anything is possible, it is important we see common sense ability. pull a team together and work with an existing team and most people recognize that in our daily lives and business lives
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and you have structure within the country and run a company like a business, as well. >> emily: the former president is master of marketing, is he combing out time of short list and vegas odds or is he weighing each candidate equally? >> kayleigh: he would be smart to drag this out as long as he can before convention and pull out the name. he gets free media every time he mentions the short list or a name, it is of coerred widely. there are good names, laura listed fantastic names. others, sarah sanders, elise stefanik. last night he mentioned senator tim scott, he mentioned him on our network with maria bartiromo a week ago, i think he's under serious consideration.
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short list of who could win over independents, he stands out. i will not ask if you will take the vp shot, will you debate kamala harris? yes, i would like to do it in eagle pass, texas and debate the border czar. fantastic pick if he is. >> david: really smart going into south carolina three days away to play to it. trump is playing smart politics and messaging. 60 to 35 or whatever the real number over nikki haley, bring support to the table, you want to crush your opponent. >> emily: that was going to be my question, who is not on the list is nikki haley and many argue her ship has sailed and past point of no return to be considered despite what tim scott said on hannity, she would never be welcomed back. >> harris: i think trump and
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nikki haley, maybe not the word ship has sailed, she didn't want second seat, we'll see what happens. politics are a blood sport. tim scott is interesting because last rally trump had in new hampshire, people voted 90 minutes later, it started at midnight. you heard the voice of senator tim scott, warm-up to the president coming out and after he won south carolina, the i love you from tim scott. they have a friendship and connection and he is from south carolina. timing on it is auspicious and place joe biden needs the black vote and he clearly is from south carolina. and people love him there. let's see what happens with it. i think he's strong in the running.
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the big wall, other people we didn't listen issue byron donalds has been strong, as well. >> emily: trump being asked by laura about whether or not he would debate president biden. take a listen. >> back to biden and his current stai state, whatever you call it, will you challenge him to regular debates? >> i'll do it right now on your show, we can do you, anybody you want. >> laura: how many debates? >> as many as necessary, i will start now. i don't think he is going to debate. >> tammy: american people have to see that, two men, see biden, if he can deliver in some nation to give people an excuse to vote for him. it's been a while, he didn't participate in the debate, people need to see him, it has been several years. the world has changed, we want
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him to solidify where he stands on the issues and nature of the manner of enthusiasm and energy and grasp on the issues, that is why it needs to happen. joe biden will likely not do it and that will be the biggest statement, negative one, he could ever make. >> emily: right, could you imagine that debate? hashtag tko. former president trump calling out migrant crime as number of illegal border crossers under president biden's watch surpasses population of 36 states. stay with us.
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those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) well i was on my regular route, when i find this note... bring rings to beach wedding? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. so i grabbed the rings and hustled down the beach. who has the rings? i do... i mean, i do. okay... save wedding...all set. just another day on the job. if this is what we did for love, see what we can do for your business. fedex. >> harris: we've been reporting that the brother of president joe biden is on capitol hill today and part of house impeachment inquiry republicans are pushing. they wanted to talk to james
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biden. in opening statement, fox news digital was in the room and this was said by james biden. i have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures, joe biden has never had involvement or direct or indirect financial interest in those activities, none. james biden defended his brother. this is not like when hunter biden takes to the hill and that same committee, he'll testify next week, he'll be under oath on a different situation. this man today, james biden was not under oath. real quick, that matters? >> emily: that does matter. his opening statement included james biden said because of my intimate knowledge, i have kept my personal life separate.
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there is utmost separation of church and state, does evidence support the sworn testimony some >> harris: we wanted to show this to you, it was happening now and what was being said on the house today with james biden and house members. let's move. shocking fox news analysis of biden border crisis revealing 7.2 million immigrants who have crossed the border under joe biden, more than population of 36 individual states, like wisconsin, for example. it does not include nearly 2.3 million estimated known gotaways, bill melugin is in jacumba, hot spot for illegal border crossers from all over the planet.
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bill. >> bill: good afternoon, you can add few dozen more illegal immigrants, we had a group cross here in jacumba, republican congressman darrell issa, is meeting with these immigrants, they are from china, colombia and ecuador. he is talking to them to figure out where they are planning ongoing. this is video our drone shot in the same area, another group that crossed illegally from all over the world. we see single adults out here, folks from china, this sector has been seeing over 1000 crossing everyday. >> where are you from? >> india. >> where you from? >> china. >> where you from? >> india.
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>> china. >> georgia. >> georgia. >> india. >> china. >> china. >> china. china. >> china. >> china. >> yes, china. >> china. >> georgia. >> china. >> china. >> a lot of chinese. other side of town in jacumba, local ngo group of volunteers building structures and putting up tents on the other side of town. when they crossover, it gets cold and windy and they have to camp out. they are lucky -- back out here live, there is an ngo, helping out, they brought chunks of firewood and fire going behind
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us. it is chilly out here, number of chinese are remarkable, border patrol reported last night, this sector had over 144,000 illegal crossings, 20,000 have opinion chinese nationals. >> laura: two thoughts, with the chinese you have been talking with, i know you drilled down on their stories, it is not easy to get here from there. they are getting help anyway. then i just roll in help from the ngos, those ngos are coming for a reason and from what i'm reading, it is cash. >> yeah, the federal government has been funding ngos via fema. as far as chinese, you are spot on. they are flying into the border. we talk to them via translator
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app, they flew to turkey and tijuana and they are here for economic reasons not to seek asylum. >> harris: you think? bill melugin. thank you. i come to you and those ngos. >> david: go back to average earning of a chinese citizen, average income of a poor chinese citizen, how do they pay to go from china, you don't leave easily to get to turkey by air to get to south america to get to united states. there is an effort underway, we are paying for this. ngos don't get money from government, they are getting it from taxpayers. you don't need china without permission or without a plan and i've talked to people who have
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done this. it is not easy, we have to be careful -- >> harris: tight on time, taking breaking news and great information from bill melugin. tammy. >> tammy: we know something else coming across the border, drugs, affecting most americans lives. from 2021, according to national institute of health, over 70,000 people died as a result of mostly fentanyl, 100,000 drug overdoses involving opioids. that number is more than the number of people killed at hiroshima, every year. the human catastrophe numbers, related to nuclear bomb and huge human catastrophe in the last century every year. >> harris: that is a heart punch. >> kayleigh: senator josh hawley told me it used to be multi
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national corporations sending jobs to china, now china is sending people here to take our jobs. when you add together, he mentioned centers on college campuses, illegal police stations, tiktok poisoning the mind of our children, fentanyl, main component component origi china. is it happenstance? i don't know, we have a lot to learn. >> harris: look how long it took them to tell us about covid, they knew it would hit our west coast as soon as asian americans started to come back to san francisco. look where it started. yeah, they are enemies. they would like to replace us, they have bought our farmland. >> emily: if we bring up points we've made based on facts and
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statistics, you will be labeled racist by this administration and main-stream media. >> harris: hais supposed to be the stop word? wonder what word they will use next? coming up, president biden is wiping out billion dollars in student loan debt ahead of the election, is that purchasing something? we'll be right back. but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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loan for 150,000 borrowers six months ahead of schedule, biden cancelled loans despite u.s. supreme court ruling his loan handout violated the institution and promising he will relieve even more. i heard you say it before, what if you are a plumber. these are truly essential workers, what if you are an electrician or someone who didn't go to college and now you take your hard-earned, already taxed money and give to people among whom are some of the richest. >> tammy: people who are new citizens and immigrated the right way and been living their life in another country and chasing the american dream and now paying for somebody else and that is maybe what they escaped,
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that becomes an issue. i think it is obvious to the american people this is unfair. >> emily: keep inment, cost of college is skyrocketing as value of the degree is plummeting, yet we have a president that continues to hammer down people's throat college is the only option and refuses to acknowledge value of skilled industries and tries to extinguish debt without any sense cal idea that pushing money you are pushing up or down. there is no concept that it is covering people like grey davis in california, ruined it for decades, to have a president buy in is tragic. >> harris: the spotlight is put on universities with the
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antirallies and got a taste of what is going on on the campuses and that complicates the matter, too. >> david: just because you say the debt is gone, it is not as if the money want owed, biden doesn't care about contract law or supreme court and it didn't create jobs. great, you don't have to pay your student loan, where are jobs to survive and pay your bills? this is a fraud and a sham and it is buying votes, he wants young people to be stupid and believe that is how they should vote or why. >> harris: why is biden in such trouble with young people? >> kayleigh: because they can't afford a home, can't afford a job and have to live with their parents. abortion, main line of attack for young women to win them over, marijuana, we've heard
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kamala harris say first-time offenders, no one should be locked up. >> harris: she locked up people when she was a prosecutor. >> and 150 borrowers are getting e-mails, if you are not enrolled, get enrolled, run through the federal government. >> harris: coming up, women basketball players, young girls, injured in a high school game against a team with a biologica. now some of asking if letting trans players participate in girls sports is a ticking time bomb. ♪ is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice. were you worried the wedding would be too much?
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>> president biden's brother jim on the hill today. we've got the twists and turns for you. president biden collecting campaign cash in california, many are anxious for plan b. is there one? landmark ruling declares frozen embryos are unborn children and russia takes another american
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prisoner. join us at the top of the hour. >> emily: new uproar over safety concern for girls facing trans athletes in sports. this is a girls game in massachusetts, a basketball game. the trans athlete tears the ball away from the girl with total ease. two girls left the game injured by that trans athlete in the first half. the coach forfeiting the game in the second. collegiate charter school said the bench was depleted going into the game with a 12-player roster having four players unable to play. when the coach saw three more go down, leaving him with just five players, he made the call to end the game early.
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the remaining five expressed concern about continuing to play, they feared getting injured and not being able to compete in the playoffs. he decided to forfeit. fox news digital respected this from kipp massachusetts, the other school, every child grows up free to create the future they want for themselves and their community. we work to create joyful and identity affirming school and prioritize maintaining student and staff safety above everything else. we support state law and regulations which provide students with the right to participate in all school extracurricular activities and sports based on gender identity or expression. we condemn harmful comments being made online and will let
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our principles guide our actions. kayleigh, x's and o's. the post-script is kipp academy cancelled future games because of death threats they said they were receiving against their trans gender players. you have two schools that have cancelled multiple games, all girls have lost opportunities for their playoffs and opportunities and futures because of a decision made by this school that favors a nonbiological girl. >> kayleigh: such an important point, many of these young women train their whole lives for these moments, they want to go to college and be on women's basketball teams and you are ruining the opportunity, hard work, commitment they put into this. gallup found 69% of respondents says it should correspond to
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biological sex. >> emily: harris, how are we expected to reconcile that statement that says they prioritize safety of students while allowing everyone to play whatever they want in their gender affirming rules. those two are not reconcilable. >> harris: i don't reconcile it, it will sit in the place in my heart as mom of an athlete that i will pray about. i can't reconcile that and understand how anybody in leadership at a school could look at one side and say i know you are lying on the floor injured, we won. we put people on the court that can beat you up, i don't know a place to put that yet. with them cancelling, they are not helping it is trans gender
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community. unfortunate if they are being threatened, whatever the reason, those young kids are not playing. kipp academy has failed again. i can't reconcile it. >> emily: everyone loses. >> tammy: in that statement, there was nothing said about the injured girls, key thing to remember. i also think that there is when we look at the parents and other adults having to deal with this, fact is it is not because you are not playing the game, if you are injured and you want to get into college and need a scholarship, you are maybe not going to college. i think this is an extreme dynamic and in the normal world, if you injury someone on a court, adults or children, you were removed. if you have somebody who is
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biological male, if you are going to injury someone, you are the one that is out, not the individuals injured, rules out the window. >> david: i'm with you, i refuse to reconcile a male beating up high school girls on a court, it is unacceptable. parents across america, it is a risk. i played sports in college, time to draw the line. anyone, any sport where a man, male, anyone past puberty playing on a girl's team, pull your girls. if we don't stop this insanity, some girl will end up in a wheelchair, may end up with some form of tbi. america needs to stop this bs, call it for what it is. i don't care about their statement, i can't reconcile it.
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it shouldn't be reconciled. >> harris: we are seeing that, spend time with ncaa swimmer riley gaines. >> david: i've had her on my show. >> there we go. >> emily: so much more to come, stay with us.
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